Kids Class
This class is for children who want to do basic training with their dog.
Skills we teach in class.
In this class your child and dog will work to improve their bond and the dog's responsiveness to the child.
Together they will work towards the skills that they will need to be able to move on to other UHDTC classes.
There are a variety of topics that we may teach in this class such as:
Recall/attention games
Explaining the ways to teach a dog a new behaviour
Basic manners such as "Sit","Down","Come","Stand","Stay","Release"
Targeting behaviours such as hand/ target stick touch
Heelwork (walking without pulling on the lead)
Basic Agility and Rally-O skills such as perch work, sending your dog around a cone, through a tunnel, and/or over jumps.
The dog needs to be over 12 months old, and have passed Canine Good Basics and ideally have finished a term of one of our other classes too.
The child needs to be over 6 years old.
The instructor will review and approve the child and dog at or before the first class.
Guarding or fighting breeds and their crosses are not allowed in this class for safety reasons.
Parents will need to stay onsite for lessons.
The cost of the class is $40 for the first child, $30 dollars for the second, and $20 for any other child after the second. The class is limited to 6 - 8 children.
This class is held on Tuesdays from 4:45 - 5:30pm